Ahmed Mohsen Mohamed

I'm a


I'm Ahmed Mohsen Mohamed Fresh .Net Developer,Student at Faculty of Computers and Information (Bioinformatics Department), Assuit University, Team Member OC committee at TEDx AssuitUniversity, Organized marketing coordinator that juggles projects for up to 5 clients simultaneously, I'm self-motivated hardworking person with very good comprehension and retention skills.

Fresh .NET & BackEnd Developer.

I have made a lot of desktop applications and try as much as possible to develop my self and gain experience

  • Birthday: 28 May 2001
  • Degree: Bachelor
  • City: Assiut, Egypt
  • Phone: +201094245097
  • Age: 21
  • Experience: almost 1 Year
  • Email: a.mohsen.612345@gmail.com
  • Freelance: Not all the time
Hire Me


There are many facts that characterize any diligent person in his professional and scientific life

Happy Clients
to gain confidence

In order to gain experience

Hours Of Support
Lots of hours to learn

Hard Workers
To come out with a great product


Programming Langauge and FrameWorks

C# 90%
SQL 88%
My SQL 80%
MongoDB 70%
HTML 85%
CSS 77%
JavaScript 75%
C++ 80%
Python 70%
R Langauge 70%
Win Form 90%
OpenGL using C++ 60%
Ado .NET 90%
Photoshop 55%


Desktop Application

Desktop application using ado.net or entity Framework with MSSQL database to manage data and perform CRUD operations.

BackEnd API

API for using with mobile applications or web sites to make a full control application to can remotely use by the user using swagger and json format.

Front-End web pages

Front-end web page with responsiveness for all devices using HTML ,CSS , JavaScript and bootstrap to can manage the main function of any system.

C# programming functions

C# functions for manage main CRUD operations using OOP standards with classes and polymorphism

My Portofolio

These are my own Projects, with photos of each of the projects I've worked so hard on. Enjoy watching..

CarWash Managment System
The customer leaves his car in which his data and customer data are stored, and then provides them with all services to satisfy the customer

CarWash Managment System

Desktop App C#

SuperMarket Managment System
The customer purchases the requirements he needs. Whatever the requirements, they are available in the system

SuperMarket Managment System

Desktop App C#

Iphone Calculator
A simple calculator for calculating simple and uncomplicated arithmetic operations

Iphone Calculator


XO Game
Simple XO game for fun and learn using C++ Langauge

XO Game

C++ Console App

House Rental Management System
The customer is allowed to rent, sell or buy his apartment wherever he is within the Assiut governorate by going to the company(RentX), and then the company records his data and the apartment data and then performs all the procedures of selling, renting or buying where the company does its best to satisfy the customer

House Rental Management System

Desktop App C#


To Contact with me here you are..


Elhelally, Assiut

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